
A Goose Island Beer Event


The Goose Island Beer Co. was founded by John Hall in 1988 after reading an inspiring Delta Sky magazine article. Goose Island Beer Co. gets their hops from Elk Mountain Farms, one of the largest continuous hops farms in the USA. Learn more about the Goose Island Beer Co. and Elk Mountain Farms below and join The Hoppy Brewer in a Goose Island beer event on Thursday, August 11th, 2016. 

Tucked away in a secluded valley in Northern Idaho is Elk Mountain Farms – the place where Goose Island hops are grown and harvested. Head Farmer Ed Atkins shares the same passion and commitment to great beer as our brewers, and together they’ve worked to grow the farm from a 70-acre operation to a 1700-acre hop heaven. Here, over 50 different types of hops, including Goose Island favorites like Saaz, Amarillo and Cascade are cultivated along with numerous experimental varieties that could one day push the boundaries of beer for drinkers and brewers alike. Elk Mountain is more than just soil and plant life; it’s a laboratory, a studio, a blank canvas on which to paint the future of Goose Island beer.

Stay updated on our live music, beer events, and home brewing club meetings by checking out The Hoppy Brewer Events Calendar.

SRC: Learn about the Goose Island Beer Co. story at: