The_Hoppy_Brewer_American IPA with habañero_beer_recipe

American IPA with Habañero Recipe

The_Hoppy_Brewer_American IPA with habañero_beer_recipe

This Habañero Hopper is an American IPA with Habañero created by brewer, Zack Kinney. In 2012, Kinney’s American IPA with Habañero recipe was awarded first place in the spice, herb, or vegetable beer category of Hudson Valley Homebrewers 22nd Annual Competition. Enjoy making your own batch of this Habañero Hopper for an IPA with the perfect balance of citrus and spice using the recipe below. 

All-grain recipe, 5.25-gallon batch size
Original gravity: 1.068
Final gravity: 1.010
Bitterness: 82.3 IBU
Alcohol by volume: 7.7 percent

11 pounds Briess two-row malt
1 pound Briess White Wheat
1 pound Munich malt
1 pound Vienna malt
11 ounces Gambrinus Honey Malt
5 ounces Crystal 20L
.5 ounces Warrior hop pellets (17.2 percent AA)—first wort, 60-plus minutes
1 ounce Centennial hop pellets (8.7 percent AA), 60 minutes
.5 ounces Warrior hop pellets (17.2 percent AA), 15 minutes
1 ounce Citra Hop pellets (13.4 percent AA), 5 minutes
1 ounce Warrior hop pellets (17.2 percent AA), 5 minutes
1 ounce Citra Hop pellets (13.4 percent AA), flameout
1 ounce Citra Hop pellets—dry-hop, seven days
1 ounce Cascade hop pellets—dry-hop, seven days
1 habañero chili pepper (Roast pepper for approximately 3 minutes over an open flame, just enough to get a bit of char on the outer skin. Then cut in half and soak in 46 ounces of vodka for 48 hours to sterilize. Add entire chili to secondary for seven days and reserve the vodka to blend back into the finished beer.)
3 vials of WLP001 California Ale

Mash for 60 minutes at 151 degrees F and mash out for 10 minutes at 168 F. Boil for 60 minutes. When yeasting, use a rocked carboy for about 5 minutes to oxygenate. Add 3 vials of yeast (no starter).

Fermentation: Primary fermentation for three weeks at 68 F. Cold-crash for two days. Rack to secondary and dry-hop/dry-habañero with 1 ounce Citra, 1 ounce Cascade, and 1 habañero chili pepper (pith, seeds, and all) for seven days. Cold-crash again for two days; rack to keg and force-carbonate.

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SRC: Click to read the Brewer’s Notes for this American IPA with Habañero homebrew recipe.