The Full Sail Brewing Company was founded in 1987 along the Columbia River Gorge in Hood River, Oregon. Over the last 29 years, Full Sail has been awarded more than 300 awards and accolades including 150 Gold Medals. Join The Hoppy Brewer in a Full Sail beer event on Thursday, September 8th at 6:00pm and learn more about Full Sail below.
Much has been written about the day you drive off the lot in your first new car, but let us tell you, there’s nothing quite like taking delivery on your very first, brand new stainless steel mash tun. (Woo hoo!) Determined to make world-class beer in our own backyard, one of our first, and perhaps best, decisions was to invest in new, state-of-the-art brewing equipment. Other micros had been brewing with varying degrees of success in open fermentation tanks or old, cast-aside dairy equipment. But we weren’t taking any chances: the beer had to be great or there was no point in brewing it. So we bit the bullet, laid down our borrowed cash, and spent the better part of 1987 installing the new system.
By September, we had our first crew on board – a classic mixture of beer geeks and boardheads – and we were ready to brew. Yeah, our operation was tiny and the work was nonstop, but to be in Hood River at the forefront of not only the craft beer movement, but also the rise of windsurfing, was thrilling.
Microbreweries were springing up all over the Northwest. The windsurfing craze was in full swing. Hood River’s storefronts were filling up with gear shops. And we put up a whopping 287 barrels that first year. Things were really humming.
Stay updated on our live music, beer events, and home brewing club meetings by checking out The Hoppy Brewer Events Calendar.
SRC: Learn about Full Sail Brewing at: