Hoppy Brewer_Have Fun and Save Money Homebrewing

Have Fun & Save Money Homebrewing

Hoppy Brewer_Have Fun and Save Money Homebrewing

Looking for a way to save money on beer? Instead of buy store-bought beer you can save money with homebrewing! Getting started is not as difficult or expensive as you may think. You can enjoy your very own delicious craft beer of your choice without the high price.

Benefits of Small Batch Homebrewing

There are plenty of reasons to brew your beer in small batches — the ingredients and equipment are inexpensive and minimal space is needed to brew, ferment and store supplies. Another benefit to small-batch brewing is the freedom to experiment. You can brew something new or unique without worrying about wasting too much time, money, or brew! Click to learn more about the benefits of small-batch brewing.

American Homebrewers Association Discount

The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) is a membership organization committed to promoting the community of homebrewers and empowering homebrewers to make the best beer in the world. Present your American Homebrewers Association (AHA) Membership Card to receive 10% off regularly priced homebrew supplies at The Hoppy Brewer, CO2 and to-go beer excluded.

The Hoppy Brewer in Downtown Gresham is your one-stop-shop for
homebrew supplies, hops, grains and more!