
Hoppy Brewer Presents Crooked Corner Band

Join the Hoppy Brewer as we present live music featuring Portland’s own Crooked Corner Band. If you’re looking for a fun night with great music come check out this vocal band of progressive retro rock from the Crooked Corner Band live this Saturday night. 

The music starts at 6 PM and goes until 9 PM on January, 28th 2017 at the Hoppy Brewer in Gresham. Learn about the Crooked Corner Band below.

The Music

Progressive Retro Rock…

That’s what the Crooked Corner Band plays… instantly recognizable songs from iconic artists of the era such as The Allman Brothers, The Beatles, CSN, Eagles, Clapton, The Dead, Jackson Browne, Neil Young, Tom Petty and more.

With impeccable musicianship and skin tight 3 and 4 part vocal harmony, Crooked Corner will take you on a memorable and passionate journey through the energy, spirit and soul of music from the 60’s to the 21st century… music that continues to inspire every generation of singers, songwriters and musicians to this day!

Stay updated on our live music, beer events, and home brewing club meetings by checking out The Hoppy Brewer Events Calendar.

SRC: Click to learn more about the Crooked Corner Band.