Order a Keg

If You Order A Keg, The Party Will Come!

Order a Keg

Looking to order an affordable keg in Gresham? Hoppy’s offers a variety of kegs to choose from so you can make your next gathering a real party! Kegs are perfect for football parties, college keg parties, holidays, and just about any event you want to celebrate with friends and lots of beer! Keep us in mind next time your planning a party or event and want to order full-sized kegs. Review these tips, tricks, and rules to get the most out of your next keg!

Keg Tips, Tricks, and Rules to Remember

Keep it Calm

After any sort of transport or travel, give your keg some time to settle down. If you don’t, you’re likely to experience excessive foaming at tapping time. Remember that the beer inside of a keg is carbonated, so moving or shaking it will cause it to foam – just like a can of beer or soda. We recommend that you let your keg sit for an hour or so after transport.

Keep it Cold

Keg beer is unpasteurized, so it has to stay cold to stay good. As a general rule, think of keg beer as you think of milk: it needs to be refrigerated at all times. Keep your kegs between 34 – 40 degrees Fahrenheit and your beer will remain fresh and delicious.

Keep it Fresh

The beer inside a keg will retain its full flavor about 30 – 45 days after tapping. It’s difficult to pinpoint an exact amount of time, as a keg’s “shelf-life” is dependent on storage conditions and the brand/style of the beer. Generally, hoppy beers and those with a higher alcohol content will last longer because the hops and alcohol act as preservatives, inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

Call The Hoppy Brewer at 503.328.8474 to order a keg today.

SRC: Click to learn more about How Kegs Work.