
Rye Saison with Brettanomyces | Award Winning Beer Recipe

This Rye Saison with Brettanomyces beer recipe was awarded third place at the 2012 Homebrew Alley 6 competition in the Belgian specialty ale category. This award winning recipe was created by Jacques Alcabes and Mathias Willner. If you’re looking for an interesting yet well-balanced flavor profile in your beer you’ll enjoy this Rye Saison with Brettanomyces.

Partial-mash recipe, 5-gallon batch size
Original gravity: 1.065
Final gravity: 1.015
Bitterness: 31.5 IBU
Alcohol by volume: 6.7 percent

3 pounds rye malt
2.5 pounds Belgian pilsner malt
1 pound brown Belgian candi sugar
0.5 pounds CaraWheat Malt
3.5 pounds extra-light dry malt extract
0.75 ounces Chinook hops (14.1 percent AA), 50 minutes
1 ounce East Kent Golding hops (5.7 percent AA), 15 minutes
.5 ounces Chinook hops (14.1 percent AA), 2 minutes

2 vials of White Labs WLP565 Belgian Saison I Ale
1 vial of White Labs WLP650 Brettanomyces Bruxellensis
2 packs (WLP565) in primary fermentation but no yeast starter. Rocked carboy. Yeast nutrient
and whirlfloc tablet for last 10 minutes of the boil.
1 pack of WLP650 in secondary

Mash grains for 60 minutes at 150 degree F, and boil wort for 90 minutes.

Fermentation: Pitch two vials of White Labs WLP565 yeast, rock the fermenter to aerate, and ferment for 3 weeks before racking to secondary and adding Brettanomyces and 2 ounces of oak that have been soaking in rye whiskey for about a week. (Also dump in the rye.) Allow eight weeks for secondary fermentation before kegging or bottling.

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SRC: Click to read the Brewer’s Notes for this Rye Saison with Brettanomyces homebrew recipe.