German Grain Malts
German Pale Malt (2 Row, Pilsner Malt) 1.8 L
A quality German two row malt. Produces a smooth, grainy flavor. Use in your finest German Lagers and Alt Beers.
Weizen – (Wheat Malt) ~ L
German Wheat malt is the perfect ingredient for Weiss, Weizen and Berl iner Weiss beers. Blended in proportions of 20 to 70% with pale malts, weizen malt is the perfect companion for German wheat strains for a full flavored, classic wheat beer.
Weiner – (Vienna Malt) 3 L
German Vienna is high in diastatic power, meaning you can use it as 100% of the total grist for a fuller, deeper malt flavor and aroma.
Munchener (Munich Malt) 6 L
A true Munich variety that has undergone higher kilning than the pale malt. German Munich still retains sufficient enzymes for 100% of the grist, or it can be used at the rate of 20 to 75 % of the total malt content in Lagers for its full, malty flavor and aroma.
Crystal – (Med. Caramel) 50 L
Use 3 to 20% of German Caramel malt to add color, sweetness and body to European lagers Viennas and Marzen/Oktoberfest lagers.

Specialty Grains | German Pilsner Malt
Pilsner styled beers are the most popular in the world. Pilsners are very light in color with a light to medium body. Homebrewers looking to brew a hoppy, slightly malty beer with a clean flavor will enjoy a Pilsner. The Hoppy Brewer’s German Pilsner Malts are fully modified and suitable for single infusion mashing. Use up to 100% for lagers and pilsners, or as a base malt of all other lager styles of beer. Learn details about the different German Grain Malts below.
Visit The Hoppy Brewer in Gresham to browse our German Pilsner Malts and other specialty grains.
SRC: Read more details about the different types of malt at: www.realbeer.com/jjpalmer/Malt101.html