The_Hoppy_Brewer_boneyard in a box_Boneyard IPA Home brew kit

Try HomeBrewing For The First Time

The_Hoppy_Brewer_boneyard in a box_Boneyard IPA Home brew kit

The Hoppy Brewer Offers Gresham The Best In Craft Beer And Homebrew Supplies

Sharing our passion for craft beer and cider with the people of Gresham has always been important for The Hoppy Brewer. We’re eager to provide the best of craft beer, cider, and more! We’ve even begun a new beer delivery service so Gresham can continue to get The Hoppy Brewer drinks they crave while staying safe with proper social distancing. The people of Gresham can rely on The Hoppy Brewer!

Shop For Homebrew Supplies With The Hoppy Brewer

The process of self-isolation is difficult, but it can also be a great time to try new things! Learning something new can ease your mind and act as a stress reliever. Not to mention, it helps time pass by! If you’re stuck at home and looking for something to do, why not try homebrewing for the first time? The Hoppy Brewer a wide range of homebrew supplies so you can craft the beer that you like the best! Even inexperienced brewers can try homebrewing with the aid of The Hoppy Brewer’s the right supplies and home brewing tips.

Try Our Beginner’s Home Brew Kit

Want to start with something simple? Try our special Home Brew Kit, which comes complete with everything you need. With enough supplies to make 5 gallons of a delicious and refreshing IPA, Gresham locals will be able to enjoy the result of their work for some time!

Enjoy The Hoppy Brewer’s Craft Beer And More

The Hoppy Brewer is your one-stop-shop for homebrew supplies, equipment, and ingredients. Find hops, barley, yeast, kegs, homebrew equipment, kegging equipment, a beer making kit, and even books on home brewing and beer recipes. Browse our Grains here.

Contact us today or call at 503-328-8474