The Sunriver Brewing Company’s Vicious Mosquito is a West Coast styled IPA with a citrus and mildly piney flavor profile. With a 70 IBU, 5 SRM, and 7% ABV this bitter IPA is one to enjoy all year all! Don’t forget to bring your 64oz Growler or your 32oz Growlette and we will fill it with Vicious Mosquito IPA or another craft beer from current our tap list. Read a Vicious Mosquito IPA review from BeerAdvocate by Spikester below.
4.25/5 rDev +8.1%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4.25Slightly hazed golden orange with one finger of dense white head that lasts an average amount of time but leaves a curtain of fine bubble lace on the sides. The smell is light pine citrus tropical fruit and bread crust malts.
Taste is up front hop bill but remarkably diverse flavors making for a complex flavor experience. The malts are fairly big as well which helps tame some of the pine notes that continue to build on the back and sides of the tongue. Mouth feel is medium and creamy from the plentiful carbonation. Overall a very nice effort from a local brewery that is new to me. Good job on this complex and tasty IPA.Spikester, Jul 25, 2015
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SRC: Click to read more reviews of Vicious Mosquito IPA by Sunriver Brewing Company.