Hoppy Brewer_What’s the Difference Between Nitro Beer & CO2 Beer

Visit the Hoppy Brewer This Week 

Hoppy Brewer_What’s the Difference Between Nitro Beer & CO2 Beer

Get Great Beers And More At The Hoppy Brewer This Week 

Gresham locals, when you’re looking for somewhere to relax with friends and enjoy a good beer, be sure to stop by The Hoppy Brewer! Our passion for good beer has led to our team making sure to provide a wide range of beers for Gresham locals to enjoy. And we don’t just serve beers, either – we also have wines and ciders and ciders for Gresham locals to enjoy too! 

The Hoppy Brewer’s Events This Week 

The Hoppy Brewer has a lot of fun events lined up this week for Gresham locals to enjoy! Be sure to join us this week. 

Beer Event With Boneyard Brewing 

Gresham beer lovers are sure to be excited for our Beer Event coming up later this week! Join us as we welcome Boneyard Brewing for a beer event you’re sure to love. This Beer Event will take place on Thursday, August 18th from 6 PM to 8 PM. 

Live Music With Fast Eddy 

On that same night, The Hoppy Brewer also has live music arranged for our Gresham regulars! Fast Eddy has played many times here at The Hoppy Brewer, and we’re glad to welcome him back. Fast Eddy will be playing at The Hoppy Brewer on Thursday, August 18th from 6 PM to 9 PM. 

Live Music With North Of Nowhere 

Our live entertainment doesn’t stop there this week! We’re also welcoming back North Of Nowhere this weekend. Gresham locals can enjoy the music of North Of Nowhere here at The Hoppy Brewer on Saturday, August 20th from 5 PM to 8 PM. 

Enjoy The Hoppy Brewer’s Craft Beer And More 

The Hoppy Brewer is your one-stop shop for homebrew supplies, equipment, and ingredients. Find hops, barley, yeast, kegs, homebrew equipment, kegging equipment, a beer making kit, and even books on home brewing and beer recipes. Browse our Grains here

Contact us today or call at 503-328-8474